2011年9月2日 星期五


最近很喜歡看Bessemer Venture Partners的網站,以及Philippe Botteri所寫的文章,收穫很多,其中一篇提到設計,很值得與大家分享。這篇slide提到10個重要的設計概念: 
  1. Design can change businesses: little things can have a great impact. A simple example: the difference between "I am on Twitter" and "You should follow me on Twitter here" increased the registration rate by 173%!
  2. Design is more than pretty picture: it is all about the user experience and the brand you are trying to build
  3. Talk benefits not features: It is much better to write "Understand your money" than "20 colorful configurable charts and graphs". Another way to think about it is Microsoft vs. Apple packaging :+)
  4. Think in flows, not screens
  5. Do not make the user think: Make obvious what is clickable, minimize noise, omit needless words
  6. Start with a great story: Make the value obvious and present it first in the user flow
  7. User design as a lever: The best marketing tool you can have is a well designed application
  8. Get out of the office: Watch people experience your product or service
  9. Have your bible: Synthesize your design guidelines in a company style guide
  10. Repeat & refine: Allot product cycles to improvement

10 Things CEOs Need to Know About Design
View more presentations from Jason Putorti

